Monday, May 23, 2011


So, haven't written here in a bit.  I've been crazy busy with just general life things for the most part.  But tonight I'm in one of my strange moods, so figured I'd just throw some thoughts down out of my brain.  I've been sitting here thinking about happiness, or at least the mental feeling that you're happy.  How many people would truly confess as being happy about their current situation?  Are you truly happy with the way you look?  Your weight?  Your sense of style?  The features and characteristics that you were born with?  Your ethnicity? Your home, job, family, pet etc.?  I mean, is anyone ever really truly happy and content about these things all at once?  Or are we just beings that can't handle that?  We like to think that we're happy with ourselves and all of our many facets.  But we're always criticizing and assessing our skin, weight, sense of style.  There's always something to be refined.  Can we truly be content with who we are?  Again, are we even capable?  It's like every time you finally become content or at least decide to be content about one thing then your brain instantly goes to the next topic that you have to worry about.  And when things finally settle down and don't seem to be so worrisome, then you start to nit-pick about the tiniest of issues.  Why is it so damned hard just to be content about your situation and happy with where you are?  I think in some crazy way it all boils down to the fact that happiness is freaking hard work.  Happiness just doesn't happen.  And in life, happiness doesn't just show up when the bills are paid, the work is done, and people are off your back.  You have decide to be happy, you have to decide to be content with what you have.  There isn't anything wrong with wanting to "upgrade" things in your life.  But sometimes, just sometimes, you have to be willing to get your money out of what you've already invested in.  Some things just don't come with an "upgrade."  You can't just trade out the people in your life because you didn't get the kids you want.  You can't upgrade your man once you've made a lifetime commitment.  With the exception of plastic surgery, you don't get to upgrade what your parents gave you ;-)  Life gets hard, and sometimes slow; and I sincerely think that built into us is a desire to truly be better and do more, but that doesn't mean that we have to be unhappy about where we are now.  Sometimes, it's just all a matter of attitude change.  I, for one, and am going to work harder to just not worry and be happier!

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